去除宠物尿臭 - Ottawa | Enviropure-优德游戏app


Enviropure employs the leading pet and urine odour removal team in Ottawa. 拥有超过十年的经验,我们的团队是完全训练有素,合格,保险和WSIB合规.

Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Restoration Sciences Academy Logo
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
Indoor Air Quality Association Logo
a golden retriever lies on its owner as they work on their laptop

Enviropure的宠物 & 除尿味小组

Has your pet had an accident in your home? Are you sick of the strong odour left behind by your pets? Enviropure 家里清洁 can help! Our team of professional cleaners are 气味去除专家. 我们提供完整的宠物和尿液气味去除服务,帮助您处理宠物带来的任何气味和气味. 我们使用先进的雾化和臭氧技术,可以从您的家中去除95-100%的所有令人讨厌的宠物和宠物尿液气味, 车辆, 船, 或房车. 我们以在您家中的所有表面使用环保和宠物友好型产品而自豪, so even after we remove the odours it will be safe for your furry friends.

事故是可能发生的,无论是你的狗在里面尿尿还是你的猫咳嗽出毛球. 然而,随之而来的气味可能是一个严重的问题,需要妥善处理. While you might get used to the odours, guests and visitors certainly do not and strong pet smells can drive people away. It can be difficult to properly remove pet odour at home yourself, but luckily Enviropure Home 服务 is here! 我们的专家拥有适当的设备和专业知识,以保证所有的气味和气味完全从您的空间.



需要清洗地毯吗?? Looking for post-renovation cleanup? Or maybe you just need a thorough house cleaning. Contact us today for a free estimate!

A home has smoke odor removed by Enviropure home cleaning

Advanced Odour Eradication Technology

在Enviropure,我们通过分析气味的化学成分和来源来去除难闻的气味. 我们在我们的武器库中使用顶级的方法和设备,例如酶基清洁剂, 微型喷雾器, 紫外线灯, 丙烯酸密封剂热雾化, and ozone generators to get your home healthy and feeling fresh.

臭氧处理, 当与其他适当的清洁方法结合使用时,是一种有效的方法. 臭氧是一种反应性很强的分子,能与空气和物体表面的微粒发生化学反应. 的化学物质, 细菌, 产生难闻气味的孢子在接触臭氧处理后会被根除.

When working with pet odour, ozone is extremely effective. Ozone breaks down odour-causing compounds chemically wherever air flows. 这让臭氧气体渗透,有效地清除空气中引起异味的微生物, 墙, 天花板, 管道, 地毯纤维, 楼层间的空隙, 墙壁等的裂缝。.


Advanced Odour Eradication Technology

At Enviropure, we never use harsh or abrasive cleaning products. There are no exceptions to our methods and equipment’s safety and efficiency.

热雾化是将消毒溶液以热雾的形式悬浮在空气中一段时间的过程. 消毒雾弥漫整个建筑,净化空气和表面.

Thermal fogging, when done correctly, can remove many pathogens in a given space. This goes well above what typical janitorial crew can accomplish. 这是像Enviropure这样的专业清洁团队在戴着防护装备(PPE)时所做的工作。.

治疗后, we air out the house and replenish it with oxygen, and the 细菌 that caused the stink is pretty much gone. Call us to make a service appointment for a clean, odour-free home in Ottawa.

an Enviropure home cleaner disinfects an office for COVID-19
A dog lies on a bed with its tongue out


通过渥太华专业的宠物气味去除服务,让您的家恢复自然状态! 我们的团队遵守WSIB的规定,以确保在我们访问时正确清除所有气味. 我们的专业知识保证您的朋友和家人一定会注意到持久的效果.

While pet odours are often caused by urine or feces, 即使你的宠物没有发生任何意外,它仍然会在你的家里引起难闻的气味. 宠物气味也可能是由细菌和酵母代谢分泌物引起的,尤其是在油性皮肤上. If a pet is sick or aged, the smells tend to be stronger and more unpleasant. 在户外玩耍的宠物往往会得到更脏的皮毛,这会给你的家里带来难闻的气味. Odours are transmitted from your pet to your carpet, 家具, 窗帘, and other fabrics and surfaces which can be difficult to remove. 幸运的是,Enviropure家庭服务公司. 优德游戏app今天免费报价宠物气味去除服务在渥太华或其他地方在安大略省东部, and get rid of those foul pet odours once and for all!


经常 问问题

以下是我们对宠物尿臭清洗的一些常见问题的回答. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Enviropure today.

如果狗尿或猫尿已经渗入或穿过地毯衬垫, it’s tougher to eliminate the pet urine odor completely. The issue is that the odors are lurking underneath the surface, in the carpet padding and/or the floorboards. 在极端情况下,我们已经看到了, you may need to replace your carpet, carpet padding and/or some floorboards.

The trick is to catch the pet urine ASAP and treat it before it soaks through. 然而,有时为时已晚. We’ll do our best to eliminate or neutralize pet odor, 但在极端情况下,100%中和宠物尿液气味是不可行的.

It’s always sad when a beloved pet passes on. 不幸的是, 宠物尿液和宠物皮屑的气味会在悲伤的过程中触发记忆. That’s why we’ve had many clients ask us to perform pet urine odor cleaning, to help get rid of that lingering smell of dog urine or cat urine. The only pet memories you should have are good ones!

We serve Ottawa as well as surrounding communities such as Kemptville, Brockville, 金斯敦, 康沃尔郡, Arnprior & the Ottawa Valley and many others. 我们的宠物尿味清洁服务包括深层清洁,以帮助中和狗尿和猫尿的气味, but we’ve cleaned homes where pets included birds, 仓鼠, 蛇, 还有许多其他种类的动物.

The trick is to treat the stain as soon as possible. If you witness your dog or cat urinating in your home, 带着纸巾和一桶肥皂和水(有些人喜欢用醋)尽快赶到现场 & 水解决方案). Soak up the urine by gently dabbing on the area, 注意不要压得太紧(否则会陷进织物,甚至会穿过地毯填充物), 等.). 然后用肥皂(或醋)和水处理该区域,轻轻擦拭,然后轻轻擦洗. Let it dry as needed; use an oscillating fan if available. 通过清除尿液,你不会邀请小狗或小猫回来在同一个地方撒尿. If you observe a stain that’s dried, you’ll want to use the vinegar & 水或肥皂 & 水的方法, 轻轻地擦洗宠物尿渍,把它从织物上拉出来,而不是把它推下去. If you have stains you can’t get rid of, 我们很乐意检查现场并提供免费的宠物尿渍去除和家庭清洁报价.

的确,狗会养成一遍又一遍地在同一个地方小便的习惯. They smell the dog urine odor and treat it like their personal… toilet, 找不到更吸引人的词了. That’s why it’s important to be proactive with pet urine odor cleaning in Ottawa, 尽快去除宠物尿渍,尽可能彻底地中和宠物尿味. 如果你养过狗, 如果你养了一只猫或其他宠物很长一段时间,并且闻到了宠物尿味的积累——或者你最近买了一个有宠物尿味的房子——打电话给Enviropure来去除宠物尿味.
